Please list any parents, guardians or caregivers that have your consent to pickup your child (children) from any of our children’s ministries programs. (Please note, any person(s) listed here must be 18 years or older). The person picking up your child (children) must present the security label(s) provided at check-in before picking up your child each week. In certain cases, ID may be required.
It is our desire to provide a healthy and safe environment, and parents/guardians are encouraged to be considerate of others when deciding to place a minor in our care. Though we are taking precautions to help keep everyone safe, we cannot eliminate the risk of flu/covid exposure and need everyone's help. Children displaying any flu-like or COVID symptoms will be separated from the other children and caregivers will be contacted to pick-up their child. We kindly ask that you follow the safety protocols established by your health-care provider and stay home. Thank you for your compilance with these policies and procedures that will help protect us all and allow us to gather in worship together.
Allergy or Health Concerns
In the event a minor is injured while in our care, the following steps should be followed: 1. For insignificant injuries, scrapes, and bruises, workers will provide first aid as appropriate and will notify the minor’s parent or guardian of the injury at the time the minor is picked up. 2. For injuries requiring medical treatment beyond simple first aid, the parent and/or guardian will immediately be summoned. If warranted by circumstances, an ambulance can be called by parent/guardian or worker. 3. Once a minor has received appropriate medical attention, an Accident/Injury Report Form will be completed and kept on file at the church.
Restroom Guidelines for Adults Caring for Children in the Nursery/Little Lambs
Because the Evangelical Covenant Church of Hinsdale seeks high safety standards to protect the children who participate in our programming, we are requesting your informed consent regarding your child's restroom or toileting needs when he/she is under the care of the nursery/toddler room. The members of the staff of these rooms have been instructed and trained according to the Restroom Guidelines below. The staff and volunteer workers will take every reasonable precaution to provide a safe and healthy environment for all children while they are involved in the ministries of the church.
It is the policy of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Hinsdale that no staff worker, no adult volunteer, or teenage volunteer will change diapers. Parents will be notified via text message that a diaper change is necessary.
Permission for Restroom Care for Toilet-Trained Children
Parents/guardians are encouraged to ensure their child (children) has used the bathroom prior to signing their child (children) into our programming. If a child needs assistance in the bathroom, parents will be notified via text message or asked to step out of service to assist.
Responsibilities of Parents
Parents should take their children to the bathroom immediately prior to a scheduled church activity. If the child is not toilet trained: - Please make sure your child’s diaper/pull-up is dry before dropping off your child. You will be notified via text message to come and change your child’s diaper. In the event your child has a wetting accident, you will be notified via text message to change your child’s clothes. If the child is toilet trained, parents will be notified via text message if your child needs assitance in the bathroom.
Responsibilities and Restroom Guidelines for Staff and Adult Volunteers
Staff and adult volunteers will not change diapers/pull-ups or provide restroom help to toilet-trained children. If a child needs assistance in the bathroom, parents will be notified via text message or asked to step out of service to assist.
Consent to the above policies and guidelines
Social Media and Photography Use
I understand that photographs from Children's Ministry and Sunday Kids Camp events may be used for publicity purposes (including photos WITHOUT children's names on the ECCH website and social media). If you do not object to your photograph, or those of your children, being used for this purpose, please click yes below.
Some persons may choose not to have their photos, or photos of their children, used and we respect their wishes. Therefore, for individuals or families who prefer NOT to have photographs of themselves used by the church, please click no below.